Diary of Phone Usage – Corey

Phone Usage Stats

  • How Many Times You Used your Phone = 61times
  • Total Hours and Minutes Spent on Phone = 2 hours 55 mins 30 seconds aka 175 mins 30seconds
  • Textual Time – 11 mins
    • Spotify – 4 times
    • Full Fitness App – 2 times
  • Social Time –1 hour 59 mins and 30 seconds — aka 119 mins 30 seconds
    • Calling – 9 times
    • Texing- 12 times
    • Facebook Messaging – 2 times
    • Send Emails – 2 times
    • Snapchat – 3 times
    • Tinder – 3 times
    • Tweet – 1 time
  • Both – 45 mins (I think that checking email, Instagram, and Facebook can be both, because particularly by email, there are many ads, and these ads are not social, as much as they are just placed in front of me)
    • Instagram Check – 12 times
    • Email Check- 5 times
    • Facebook – 1 time
    • Twitter Check – 1 time
  • Activity Interupting
    • Getting ready for school – 22 mins 20 seconds
    • Talking – 1 min
    • Walking – 12 mins 30 seconds
    • Class – 1 min
    • Homework – 46 mins
    • Exercise – 10 mins
    • Eating – 6 mins 30 seconds
    • Sleep – 27 mins 40 seconds
    • Sitting – 3 mins 30 seconds


I did not like having to use a notebook and pen while using my phone. It is inconvenient, because you cannot write with a pen and paper as simply as you can type information from your phone; it takes two hands, or leaning on a surface to use a notebook. In considering the fact that this assignment forced us to use specific communications platforms, I also did not like it because it didn’t automatically total up my usage/hours per activity for this assignment (I can’t believe my pen and paper didn’t do that for me!!!!). Similar to an app that only allows you to do certain things, I was not a fan of a pen and paper’s inability to add up my usage values. I did not particularly change my phone usage during this activity.

Based on my quantitative results, I think that putting my phone down could help me become more productive. My most interrupted activities include: Homework – 46 mins, Sleep – 27 mins 40 seconds, and Getting ready for school – 22 mins 20 seconds. Looking at my data, I am clearly getting distracted from my homework. This activity highlighted to me that I use my phone as a distraction, and I should start putting my phone away and try to focus more. At times, it is hard though, because when I use my phone to look at social media, I can just mindlessly scroll, rather than do the activity at hand: typically, homework.

I do mindlessly scroll through social media channels, particularly Instagram; however, Instagram does allow me to produce content as well. The fact that I can produce content to share with others aligns with the idea of participatory culture. Even when I am mindlessly scrolling through my friend’s content, or content from the random funny accounts that I follow, this still aligns with the idea of participatory culture. This is because part of participatory culture is the idea the public at large is able to produce content and share it, rather than a few media channels that produce content for the public to consume. As far as digital literacy, I would say that I am digitally literate, because I am able to use digital platforms such as Instagram, twitter, and Facebook to effectively communicate with people.

I have learned that my relationship with my phone is largely used as a distraction. I use it as a distraction, because I can find a range of entertaining content when I use it. It affords me entertainment wherever I am, so it is both easy and enticing to look down at it while I am doing homework, or avoiding getting out of bed. As far as my usage before sleep, I use my phone to “catch up” on all the things that people have posted on social media. I know I do this, and a lot of my friend do it, because we don’t want to miss anything on our newsfeeds, particularly on Instagram. I follow a lot of funny pages on Instagram, so I like to see all of the funny things that they posted, and I also like to see what my friends are up to. Regardless of the content I view, whether it is satisfying or not, there IS something satisfying about scrolling down your Instagram news feed to the point where you’re “All caught up.” My phone is important to me, because it connects me to a wide variety of people, regardless of whether I actually see them in real life on a regular basis. I can stay up to date on them, and they can do the same for me. Besides social media uses, my phone enables me to actually talk to friends, and maintain relationships with them.

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