wecf13 weekly schedule

About the Schedule

All readings are to be completed before class. Secondary readings will be on topics mentioned in the primary reading. The schedule and due dates are subject to change. There may be times when a particular reading is not discussed as fully as others. This is okay; the fact that you have read it will contribute to developing a thorough understanding of the ideas presented in the course and will benefit the work you complete. Please read the texts in the order listed.

Week 1
assignment for the first class meeting
September 5: Intro to Virtual Communities
Rheingold (1993), Dibbell (1993); Wellman & Gulia (1997) on virtual communities
Introductions, syllabus; set up class blog
Discuss Twitter assignments
assignment for September 12

Week 2
September 12: On Blogging
Blogs to be read-through: Thought Catalog, Explore, Brain Pickings, Medium, The Atlantic Tech Blog, Polygon, Fanhackers, The Five, Longreads, Design Milk
Discuss Learning Record; discuss blogging
Discuss blogging assignment; distribute research project assignment

Week 3 :: Weekly Bloggers: MG, TW
September 19: Research
Duffett, Understanding Fandom chapter 10, Hudson & Bruckman (2004), AoIR Sample Questions and Responses based in a U.S. Regulatory Perspective (read all Q&As in this section), Roy (2011), Gerbaudo, Tweets Introduction, Chapter 1, McNely (2010), Jones (2013)
Discuss research project
Discuss Markdown assignment; set up Learning Record on GoogleDocs
Distribute Textual Ecology assignment

Come to class with 5 communities/hashtags you might study

Week 4 :: Weekly Bloggers: JS / SP, WS, LG
September 26: Textual Ecologies
Bush (1945), Postman (1990), Shirky (2008), Infographic: Data Never Sleeps; various apps outlined in assignment
Discuss Textual Ecology assignment
Set up TAGS 5.0 Twitter archive on GoogleDocs

Learning Record Parts A1 and A2, 4 Observations due in Markdown on GoogleDocs
Research Proposal due, written in Markdown, submitted to In Progress Works Samples folder

Week 5 :: Weekly Bloggers: JE / CM, JL
October 3:
Intro to Participatory Culture & Markdown
Brand (1972), Wellman & Tindall (1992), Wesch (2008), Jenkins (2009) [read only pages xi-xiv, 1-34], Delwiche & Henderson (2013), Shaefer, Bastard Culture! Introduction, Parry (2012)
Set up TAGS 5.0 Twitter archive on GoogleDocs

Research study page initial setup due

Week 6 :: Weekly Bloggers: MG / JL, TW
October 10: Participatory Cultures
Primary reading: Jenkins (2007); Jenkins, Textual Intro, Chapters 1, 2, 3; Duffett, Understanding Fandom Forward, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 Schaefer, Bastard Culture! Chapters 1, 2, 3
Secondary texts: Lessig (2007); McCloud (2009)

Hashtag for study must be known and 7 important related community spaces identified
Four Textual Ecology spaces chosen and connected

Week 7 :: Weekly Bloggers: SP, TW / JE
October 17: Participatory Cultures

Primary reading: Jenkins, Textual Chapters 5, 7, 4, 6; Duffett, Understanding Fandom Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8   Schaefer, Bastard Culture! Chapters 4, 5, 6
Secondary texts: Perry (2006); Gaylor (2009); Ferguson, K. (2011, 2012)

Continue locating community-related texts and spaces and archiving them in the appropriate part of your Textual Ecology
Six to eight Textual Ecology spaces connected

Week 8 :: Weekly Bloggers: JL / MG, LG
October 24
Primary Reading: Jenkins, Textual Chapters 5, 7, 4, 6; Duffett, Understanding Fandom Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8
Secondary texts: Engelbart (1968), Faden (2007)

Readings TBA on Grounded Theory, Gerbaudo, Tweets Introduction, Chapters 2, 3
To be split between weeks 10 and 11: Wolff video (2013), Gray (2006), Potts (2013), Jones (2013), McNely (multiple), Zappavigna (2011), Monroy-Hernandez et. al. (2012), Ganz-Blättler (2004)

Have random number of 30 tweets available online for class
Large evolving archive of community-related spaces well into being created
Hand out Midterm Learning Record assignment

Week 9 :: Weekly Bloggers: none
October 31: Writing and Reflecting Week
Class does not meet in the classroom
so you can have time to work on your Learning Record Midterm

Sunday, November 3: Midterm Learning Record due in Midterm Folder in GoogleDocs

Week 10 :: Weekly Bloggers: WS / CM, JS
November 7
: Participatory Cultures
Open week; topics to be decided by class
Grounded Theory Wikipedia entry, Gerbaudo, Tweets Chapters 2, 3
Wolff video (2013), Porter (1986), Zappavigna (2011), Gray (2006), Ganz-Blättler (2004), McNely (2012)

Jenkins, Textual Chapter 8, Conclusion, Conversation starting on page vii; Duffett, Understanding Fandom Chapters 9, 11

Week 11 :: Weekly Bloggers: CM / SP
November 14: Interrater Reliability Tests
Gerbaudo, Tweets Introduction, Chapters 4, 5, Conclusion; Gray (2006), Bernstein (2011), Potts (2013), Monroy-Hernandez et. al. (2012)

Have coded tweets and code definitions available for class tests

Week 12 :: Weekly Bloggers: LG / JS
November 21: Participatory Cultures
Primary reading: Jenkins, Textual Chapter 8, Conclusion, Conversation starting on page vii; Duffett, Understanding Fandom Chapters 9, 11 Schaefer, Bastard Culture! Chapter 1
Secondary reading: TBA

Week 13
November 28: Class Canceled: Thanksgiving

Week 14 :: Weekly Blogger: JE
December 5: Participatory Cultures
Primary reading: Schaefer, Bastard Culture! Chapters 2, 3, 4  Jenkins, Textual Chapters 5, 7, 4, 6; Duffett, Understanding Fandom Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8
Secondary reading: TBA

Pecha Kucha drafts due

Week 15 :: Weekly Blogger: WS
December 12: Open Week
Primary reading: Schaefer, Bastard Culture! Chapters 5, 6
Jenkins, Textual Chapter 8, Conclusion, Conversation starting on page vii; Duffett, Understanding Fandom Chapters 9, 11
Secondary reading: Solove (2011b), Jenkins (2013, May 13 and May 15 interview with Schäfer)
class party

Contribution to the community due

Week 16
December 19: Last Class Meeting, Presentations

Pecha Kucha presentations

Sunday, December 22
Final Learning Record due in GoogleDocs by 11:00pm

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