wec schedule spring 2008

About the Schedule

Each class period will be broken in half, with the first portion focusing on discussion of the readings, and the second portion focusing on learning new technologies and/or working on course-related projects. All readings are to be completed before class. Discussion leaders for the week: Please make sure you post to your blog your general questions or themes for discussion so we can focus our attention to your points questions. These are to be posted each week no later than mid-night, Tuesday. This will give all students time to read and think about your questions the night before class, and perhaps respond to them in comments and in blog posts of their own.


Week 1: 1/24
Assignment to be completed for first class period
Introductions; syllabus; Bush, Penrod
Set up Blogs, RSS feeds, set up Netvibes accounts
Assignment for Jan 31

Week 2: 1/31 — Discussion Leader: Unshrouded
Neilson & Loranger, Preface, Chapters 1-4, 6, 8
Hand out Usability Project and Usability Study Background Analysis; LR; Bland Musings on the LR


Week 3: 2/7 — Discussion Leader: NONE Parting of the Fog
Bush; McLuhan: Foreword (by Tom Wolfe), 1-103; 124-146; 173-186; 264-298
Watch two videos from Doug Englebart’s 1968 demostration of the mouse, hypertext and other technologies: introduction (.rm) and word processing with mouse

connecting to the openarea from home, server discussion, blogs (audience analysis, blogroll, linking), RSS in Plain English; set up Netvibes account (.pdf), screen shots (.pdf)
Work on Usability Project (including Zoho projects)

Week 4: 2/14Discussion Leader: Parting of the Fog Learning Leads
Bush; McLuhan: Foreword (by Tom Wolfe), 1-103; 124-146; 173-186; 264-298
Wenger, pages 1 – 142
Usability Project;

Week 5: 2/21 — Discussion Leaders: Learning Leads and At One With The World
Wenger, whole text , pages 143 – end

Week 6: 2/28 — Discussion Leaders: A Post-Grad’s Journey Towards Domestication and Beyond Words
Fleck, complete text
Diigo and Social Annotation; social annotation tutorial (.pdf)


Week 7: 3/6 — Discussion Leaders: Gypsy Savage and Songs from the Backyard
Landow, Chapters 1 – 4; Bush, Dibbell, Turkle, Kelly; The Machine is Us/ing Us video; two videos from Doug Englebart’s 1968 demostration of the mouse, hypertext and other technologies: introduction (.rm) and word processing with mouse

Week 8: 3/13 — Discussion Leaders: The Video Game Press and Boomerspeak’s Weblog
Landow, Chapters 5, 6, 8; The Unknown Hypertext and The Jew’s Daughter
N. Katherine Hayles, "Intermediation: The Pursuit of a Vision" (.pdf, not required, password protected, FYI particularly bottom of 115 to end on The Jew’s Daughter); unknown bookmarks; JD screens

Week 9: 3/20
Spring Break

Week 10 — Discussion Leader: Famous In My Own Head
3/25: Midterm LRO due by 5:00pm in the openarea
3/27: Syverson, Chapters 1 – 3; DeVoss & Porter; Howard; Vaidhyanathan; Anderson; moderations


Week 11: 4/3 — Discussion Leader: PJ Sabatini
Usability Report due
Syverson, Chapters 4, 5; DeVoss & Porter; Howard; Vaidhyanathan; Anderson; Miller "The Dark Night of the Soul" and "Speaking with the Dead"
review essay; on your blogs; voicethread

Week 12: 4/10 — Discussion Leader: Care 4 Poor
Usability PowerPoint Due
Tufte; Kress, Englebart videos;
PowerPoint Presentations
institutional autobiography (optional) (.pdf); pangea day

Week 13: 4/17 — Discussion Leaders: Bland Musings and Brinkmannship
Tufte; Kevorkian; Garfield on YouTube; Davis on LonelyGirl15; Vogelstein on Facebook

Week 14: 4/24 — Discussion Leader: Electricblogman
Review essay due
Johnson-Eilola full text


Week 15: 5/1
Last day of class; Review essay due
DeVoss & Porter; Howard; Vaidhyanathan; Anderson; Rowan’s DMCA response
U of Kansas, U of Oregon, U of Wisconsin, U of Nebraska, U of Maine, Ohio U, Stanford
Poster or Video Presentations

Week 16
Review Essay due by 11:00pm in openarea
5/9: Voicethread due by 11:00pm
Final LRO due by 11:00pm in openarea

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