Author Archives: Bill

composing john mccain

In “Make-Believe Maverick” Rolling Stone‘s Tim Dickinson (who according to his byline “joined the Republican Party in 2000 to vote for McCain in the California primary”) revisits John McCain’s biography and finds one myth after another. The most damning: McCain … Continue reading

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bebo extends social networking to outer space

I just heard on BBC Radio’s Newshour (which annoyingly doesn’t have individual story archives on their web site) that the social networking site, Bebo, is sending messages composed by users to an earth-like planet from a telescope in the Ukraine. … Continue reading

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the great schlep

Via “Sarah Palin and the Jewish Vote in Florida” by Tristram Korten, I bring you The Great Schlep. Sarah Silverman is really knocking ’em out of the park this election season:

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