core2 spring 2013 weekly schedule

About the Schedule

All readings are to be completed before class. Responses are due by the Sunday evening following class discussion. The schedule is subject to change; please make sure you are checking it regularly.


Week 1: 1/22
Assignment for the first meeting
Introductions, syllabus, on creative research, set up research blogs
Hand out Research Blog and Twitter Intro and Live-tweeting Course Readings assignments

Week 2: 1/29
Class Canceled BW has the Flu


Week 3: 2/5
Feature stories: Junod, Nutt, Ross, Siebert, and Wallace, “Shipping Out.” On Twitter: Atwood, Johnson, and Silver.
Hand out Semester-long Research Project and Research Proposal Assignments
Friday 2/8: Research Proposals due on research blog by 11:00pm
Friday 2/8: Order free business cards no later than this day so they can arrive in time for field research.

Week 4: 2/12
pages 2 – 47; 51 – 62; 126 – 181 from 2013 Writer’s Market and Writer’s Market in your project area
Readings on Qualitative Research and Research Ethics: Creswell, Christians; innovation study IRB sample minus consent and survey instruments (2005, UT-Austin, .pdf)); oral history study IRB (2009; Rowan, .pdf); IRB and NIH Certification discussion
Hand out Annotated Bibliography Assignment (.pdf) (see Major Assignments for samples)
NIH certification process completed by class time

Week 5: 2/19
More on Twitter; Gubrium, PostModern Interviewing: Intro, Chapters 2, 4, 5, and 7; Discuss Research Topics; Zotero (if time)
Hand out Leveraging Twitter for Research
Rowan Library databases tutorials must be completed
NIH certification process completed by class time

Week 6: 2/26
Meet in the coffee shop area of the student center (student-center-fieldnotes-assignment.pdf)
Gubrium, PostModern Interviewing: Chapters 9, 10, 12, 13
Emerson, Fretz, and Shaw, Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes: Chapters 1 and 2
Query letter for chosen publication due on blog by class time
Rowan Library databases tutorials must be completed


Week 7: 3/5
Emerson, Fretz, and Shaw, Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes: Chapters 3, 4, and 5; Pink, “Photography in Ethnographic Research”;
Debrief fieldnotes experience; discuss source types; introduce Zotero
Bring student center fieldnotes to class
Hand out Fieldnotes, Interviews, and Reflections assignment

Week 8: 3/12
Datson, Things That Talk: Intro, Chapters 5, 7, and 8; Syverson; Harper’s Annotations (links and downloads on the Readings page in the Annotations section)
Interview Areas, Interviewees, and Interview Schedule due on Research Blog
Hand out Object Analysis (Harper’s Annotation) assignment

Week 9: Spring Break March 14 – 18

Week 10: 3/26
bring to class and discuss object to be annotated in Annotation assignment

Annotated Bibliography Rough Draft in class (bring citation guide[s] with you to class)


Week 11: 4/2 — Class Canceled for Research Conferences
Friday, 4/5: Annotated bibliography final drafts due via Dropbox by 11:00pm

Week 12: 4/9 — Class meets in the classroom canceled due to @ouryoungster being sick
Document analysis and letter rough drafts due in Dropbox by class time

Week 13: 4/16 — Class canceled for conferences / Writing Week
Document analysis and letter final drafts due in Dropbox by 11:00pm

Week 14: 4/23 — Class meets in the classroom
Rough Drafts of final project and query letter due via Dropbox by 5:00pm Sunday, 4 /21
Workshop drafts in class; evaluations
Research reflection and analysis, and final submission guidelines

Week 15: 4/30
Last day of class; last day of class dinner in class
Reflecting on creative research and composing

Week 16: Monday, 5/13
inal query letter, Final project, Research reflection and analysis due via Dropbox by 11:00pm

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