Workshop Overview
This page is dedicated to using Pocket and Zite.
Using Pocket
Pocket is designed to help readers save for later things they see online. Can used used via the browser or using the Pocket app. Pocket’s easy guides will hep you learn how to save web pages to Pocket using your browser.
To save to Pocket from a mobile app, such as the Twitter app, first install the Pocket app and create an account if you don’t already have one. Then, set up your Twitter account to send things to the Read it Later service, Pocket:
Things will look a little different if you have a Windows or Android phone, but it should be quite similar.
Using Zite
Zite is an app that filters web content based on interest areas that you select. You are then able to share to Twitter, Pocket, and many other places. First, install the Zite app. Then, start adding interests, including ones relating to your semester topic. You can then share to Twitter, Pocket, and other places: