Course Info
Course Numbers: WA 07200C, Section 1, 30621
Course Location: TH, 5/19-6/18 in Madison 311; 6/23-7/2 in CIM 109S; 7/7 in Madison 305
Course Hours: T/H 5:20 – 7:50
Office Hours: before and after class, by appt
Printable Module Syllabus: iwa-syllabus-summer09 (.pdf)
Go to Mod Syllabi for individual module syllabi.
Office Hours | Required Materials | Writing Projects | Evaluation and Grades | Late Work | Attendance | Intellectual Property and Plagiarism | Etiquette and Professionalism | Accommodation for Special Needs
Dr. Jennifer Courtney
Office: 3078 Education Hall
Office Phone: (856) 256-4847
Dr. Sandy Tweedie
Office: 3077 Education Hall
Office Phone: (856) 256-5223
Dr. Bill Wolff
Office: 3075 Education Hall
Office Phone: (856) 256-5221
Office Hours
We are available to meet before and after class here in the classroom or nearby if you prefer. It’s best if you can contact us beforehand to be sure we make time to meet.
Required Materials
- Access to Internet outside of class
- Regular access to your Rowan University email account
- Additional supplemental material will occasionally be provided
Writing and Projects
You will receive detailed instructions about assignments in each of the three modules.
Evaluation and Grades
Each module counts 1/3 of your course grade. Your final grade will be determined by the grades earned in each module, with adjustments for attendance if necessary. You will receive detailed information about evaluation in each module. Overall grades will be determined on the following scale:
A 93 and above
A- 90-92
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 73-76
C- 70-72
D+ 67-69
D 63-66
D- 60-62
F 59 and below
Late work
You will receive information about procedures for turning in work for each module from your module instructor.
You are expected to attend class every day. Per Rowan policy, you cannot pass if you miss more than 25% of the scheduled meeting times, including excused and unexcused absences. For this course, which meets 15 times, the maximum number of permissible absences is 3.
Excused Absences
You will be permitted to make up missed work for excused absences only. These include:
- religious observances
- official University activities
- illness
- death of a family member or loved one
- inclement weather
You must provide verifiable documentation. Consult with your instructor for what is considered acceptable.
In the case of religious observances or official University activities, you must inform your instructor in advance of your absence for it to be excused.
In the case of illness, death of a family member or loved one, or inclement weather, you must inform your instructor as soon as possible after the fact.
If the events described above lead to your exceeding the maximum absence limit, you will be referred to the Dean of Students for a hardship withdrawal from the class.
Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences will be treated using the following scale:
2 or fewer no penalty
3 absences -2/3 final grade (a B would become a C+)
4 absences Have surpassed maximum number of allowable absences
Intellectual Property and Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a serious breach of academic honesty. When you use material from other sources, you must acknowledge the work, whether it is verbatim material from a text, general outlines, or rewritten forms. This applies to published work, online sources, or texts produced by other students. Please familiarize yourself with the Rowan University policy on plagiarism.
The following statement is from the Rowan University Student Information Guide:
Academic dishonesty, in any form, will not be tolerated. Students who commit an act of academic dishonesty may be subject to failure in the course, suspension from the University or both. Students are responsible for upholding University academic honesty standards and encouraging other students to do likewise, understanding what constitutes acts of academic dishonesty, understanding academic honesty procedures and the rights and obligations of parties involved in the process, and understanding the penalties imposed for acts of academic dishonesty and the consequences of imposed penalties.
Specific definitions of academic dishonesty and explanations of penalties can be found in this document, available at (.pdf).
The Department of Writing Arts also has stipulated that students are not allowed to “double dip,” that is, use similar works for different courses:
The Department of Writing Arts does not allow students to turn in the same writing assignment for more than one class. Students must receive express permission of their instructor to submit writing or a substantial part of a written text previously submitted to another class. Not doing so is considered academic dishonesty and, following the policies laid out by Rowan, may result in an F for that assignment and possibly an F for the semester.
We expect that the work you turn in for this class will represent your own work, done solely for Introduction to Writing Arts, Summer 2009, and the appropriately attributed work of others. If you have any questions about citation, please ask since the consequences for plagiarism are severe. If you plagiarize in this class, you will fail the course. Additionally, the Office of the Provost will be informed of the reason for the failing grade.
Etiquette and Professionalism
Professionalism is required. Listen respectfully when others are speaking. Do not check cell phones or text messages, and, in the event we work on computers, do not instant message or use email. Lack of professionalism may result in being marked absent or in a lower final grade.
Contacting Each Other
There will be times during the semester when we will need to contact the class and you will need to contact Dr. Courtney, Dr. Tweedie, or Dr. Wolff. We will contact you via your Rowan email account, so please be sure that you are checking it regularly and/or forwarding it to the email service you use most regularly. If you do not know your Rowan email address, you can find it by going to
Due to the summer schedule, we are not in our offices as regularly as during the semester. As a result, calling us in our offices will most likely not get you an immediate response. We strongly suggest you contact us via email, which we check all day long.
While email tends to be seen as an informal medium, this should not always be the case. All emails that we send to you will have a meaningful subject line and a proper salutation (“Hi Class,” or “Hi Jane,” etc.). The first sentence will notify you of the purpose of the email, and then will get to the heart of the matter. It will end with a formal closing (“Thanks, BW”). We expect the same from any email you send. Any email that does not will immediately be deleted and not responded to.
Classroom Behavior Policy and Procedures
Rowan University recognizes that students play a major part in creating and supporting the educational environment and believes that students have a right to learn and a responsibility to participate in the learning process. While Rowan University is committed to the fundamental principles of freedom of speech, including controversial positions taken in the classroom, all types of speech and behavior must be balanced with principles of appropriate classroom behavior. Furthermore, course instructors have a right to establish clear expectations in this regard, and students share the responsibility for maintaining an appropriate, orderly learning environment.
Students who fail to adhere to the behavioral expectations outlined by the instructor (either in the syllabus or at the time the behavior occurs) may be subject to discipline in accordance with the procedures described in this classroom behavior policy. Students and instructors are expected to follow the procedures described below when a concern about student behavior in the classroom arises. This policy does not replace or preclude any Rowan policies or local, state or federal laws concerning unlawful behaviors, whether inside or outside the classroom, including those concerning the health and safety of class members or the instructor.
Disruptive behavior can be classified into two levels. Level I disruptive behavior can include:
- Persistent speaking without permission
- Engaging in activities not related to the class
- Inappropriate use of electronic devices, cell phones, or pagers
- Sleeping in class
- Chronically entering class late or leaving early
- Eating/drinking in class without permission
- Disputing authority and arguing with faculty and other students
Level II disruptive behaviors can include:
- Threats of any kind
- Harassment
- Physical altercations
- Destruction of property
- Any behavior that puts the health or safety of the instructor or other students in the classroom in jeopardy
Students who engage in such disruptive behaviors will be referred to the appropriate offices.
Computer Classroom Etiquette
When someone is speaking and you are not asked to be following on your computer, please turn and face that person. Everything the instructor is doing on the computer will be projected onto the wall in the front of the classroom.
Class is made up of students with widely varying levels of computer expertise. If you have technical experience, please be considerate of those who do not. Do not act bored during these times of instruction, since that will distract others and alienate you from them. Instead, offer what help you can to others if they seem lost or confused. You will not only help your colleague, but you will create a collaborative atmosphere in the class, both of which are only to your advantage.
If you are a novice computer user, do not be afraid of asking questions, even when it seems that everyone around you is “getting it.” We will not know what areas are mysterious unless someone asks for clarification, and they will be more than happy to answer your questions. The chances are good that if you don’t understand something others don’t either, and we need to know this. Don’t be intimidated into silence.
When communicating with us via email, please show me the respect and courtesy you would if you were communicating in person and we will show the same. Do not assume we will be able to fully address your question in an email message; and do not assume that because we did not receive your message before the next class period that it excuses you from your work. And, please, do not add us to your email lists—we have enough email already.
Likewise, when communicating with classmates on listservs, forums, and message boards, please extend the same courtesy. Electronic communication is wonderful for many reasons, but because tone is not readily apparent, oftentimes things are misinterpreted and people can get quite hurt. If you feel someone is attacking you personally, respond by letting that person know and you will be able to continue with your dialogue.
Be sure to bring to class all your required materials: USB drives, notes, textbooks, handouts. If we allow you class time for projects, don’t work on other courses or personal business. Make use of your limited time in the classroom, and take advantage of the opportunities the course and the classroom offers you. Always log out of the computer before leaving for the day.
Accommodation of Special Needs
Your academic success is important. If you have a documented disability that may have an impact upon your work in this class, please contact one of us. You must provide documentation of your disability to the Academic Success Center in order to receive official University services and accommodations. The Academic Success Center is located on the 3rd floor of Savitz Hall on the Glassboro campus and can be reached at 856-256-4234. The staff is available to answer questions regarding accommodations or assist you in your pursuit of accommodations. We look forward to working with you to meet your learning goals.