Module Description
In this module, we’ll investigate technologies and the future of writing by critically engaging in contemporary writing practices in digital spaces while grappling with relevant research in the field of rhetoric and writing studies.
Specifically, we’re going to be considering how the writing and social connections afforded by Web 2.0 technologies are transforming our understanding of a host of important social, political, economic, and rhetorical issues.
Complementing our readings and discussions, we will be introduced to three writing spaces that are becoming important to writers, readers, and teachers:
- a collaborative professional blog using WordPress
- micro-blogging using Twitter
- personal online portfolio using Dropbox
or Spideroak
We’ll also be introduced to the Pecha Kucha presentation format, which places significant constraints on what can be shown and how long each slide can in a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation. Specifics requirements each project will be described in greater detail on a separate assignment page. Students will also write a final reflection in which they discuss their work.