Final Learning Record
The Final Learning Record considers your development over the the full 15 weeks of the semester, not just the second half. The Final Learning Record contains the following completed sections:
- completed parts A1 and A2
- a selection of Observations you feel represents the work you have done over the course of the semester (you should include observations used in your midterm as well as observations completed since the midterm)
- a selection of your work you feel represents the work you have done over the course of the semester (you should include work included in your midterm as well as work completed since the midterm; you can include work completed for other courses that are related to what you have learned in this course)
- completed part B1
- completed part C1
- completed part B2
- completed part C2
In Part B2 you analyze your development in terms of the Course Strands and Dimensions of Learning. Be sure to be as detailed as possible, and cite and reference your own work throughout. Read my comments on your midterm carefully and take them into consideration when composing Part B2.
In Part C2 you suggest a grade you think your work deserves in terms of the Grading Criteria. If you are arguing for an A, please be sure to specifically discuss and have evidence to support how your Learning Record "demonstrates activity that goes significantly beyond the required course work in one or more course strands." This is a key requirement for an A.
When completing Parts B2 and C2, please first type them in their own individual documents and save them to complete Learning Record document (this will ensure proper backing up of the text). Parts B2 and C2 are the most important parts of the Learning Record and should be completed carefully and thoroughly.
Note that you are supposed to select work you believe illustrates what you have learned since the beginning of the semester, which means that you are not expected (and should not) include all of the work in the Learning Record (work not completed and not included in the Learning Record does not mean that you are excused from the assignment; all assignments much be completed to receive a certain grade). You may, however, include work that was not assigned, such as work completed for another class that uses some of the skills learning in this class.
Please name your Learning Record document: "wec-s08-lastname-final-lr.doc" and upload it to your learning record folder in the openarea.
Observations are not work samples. Do not copy and past your work samples into the learning record document; in the document you only have a list of the work samples that can be found in the worksamples folder. Please replicate selected forum postings as Word documents and place them in the worksamples folder, as well. When adding a Work Sample be sure to fill in each part of the form: Date, Title, Assignment (if not assignment, select "Unassigned Work"), Format (Word document, email, forum posting, etc.), location (WebCT, in print, etc).
important due date
- final learning record due: Monday, May 12, by 11:00pm