About the Course Schedule (updated 4/7/15, 3/6/15, 3/2/15, 2/17/15, 1/27/14)
Assignments and readings are due on the day they are listed. For example, Reingold should be read for Thursday, 1/22. This schedule is subject to change; please check it regularly.
week 1: Beginnings / Course Themes
T 1/20: Brief Introductions; course web site, New Media Concentration, syllabus
assignment for 1/22
H 1/22: Reingold (1993); Twitter
Hand out Tweeting assignment
assignment for 1/27
week 2: On Social Media Research
T 1/27: boyd, Golder, Lotan (2010); Jones (2014); Wolff (forthcoming, 2015), “Baby, We Were Born to Tweet”
Hand out Semester-long Research Project
H 1/29: discuss readings from 1/27 and semester-long research project
assignment for 2/3
week 3: The Research Project: Ethics and Blogging
T 2/3: Hudson & Bruckman (2004); AoIR Sample Questions and Responses based in a U.S. Regulatory Perspective (read all Q&As in this section); Twitter Developer Terms of Service
Hand out Blogging Assignment
bring list of five possible hashtags to study
assignment for 2/5
H 2/5: discuss blogging assignment; set up collaborative research blogs
Research Proposal due by class time (bring digital version to class)
assignment for 2/12
week 4: The Research Project: Twitter Archive Google Spreadsheet (TAGS)
T 2/10: Class canceled; work on research study page
H 2/12: set up Twitter archives in class using TAGS by Martin Hawksey
Research Study static page due on collaborative blog
Discuss blogging assignment post specifics
assignment for 2/17
week 5: Personal Connections
T 2/17: Snow. Baym, front matter, chapter 1
H 2/19: Baym, front matter, chapter 1
Hand out Diary of Writing Technology Interactivities assignment
assignment for 2/24
week 6: Personal Connections
T 2/24: Baym, chapter 1 and 2; Rettberg (2014), chapter 1assignment for 2/26
H 2/26: Baym, chapter 3; Jenkins (2009) xi-xiv, 1 – 34
Discuss Diaries of Technology Activityassignment for 3/3
week 7: Personal Connections
T 3/3: Baym, Chapter 4; boyd & Ellison (2007)
Diary of Technology Activities blog post due by 11:00pm
assignment for 3/5
H 3/5: School Closed due to snow.
Baym, Chapter 4; Potts (2012) and Bennett (2014)
Tweets must be archived by today
assignment for 3/10
week 8: Personal Connections
T 3/10: Baym, chapter 5; Nardi & O’Day (1999) Potts (2012) and Bennett (2014)
assignment for 3/12
H 3/12: Baym, chapter 6 and the Conclusion; Wellman & Gulia (1997) Nardi & O’Day (1999)
assignment for 3/24
week 9: Spring Break
week 10: Coding and Analyzing Data
T 3/24: Coding tweets; selections from Wolff (forthcoming, 2015), “Baby, We Were Born to Tweet”
coding-template (Excel file)
assignment for 3/26
H 3/26: Making meaning in tweets; Porter (1986)
week 11: Conferences Week
T 3/31: Class Canceled
H 4/2: Class Canceled
All Blogging Assignment Posts due no later than F 4/3 at 11:00pm
week 12: Writing the Essay
T 4/7: making meaning from Axial Codes
H 4/9: structuring the essay: Background and Methodology
Hand out Final Essay Assignment (.pdf)
Friday 4/11: First Rough Draft Dueassignment for 4/14
week 13: Writing the Essay
T 4/14: structuring the essay: Results
Rettberg (2014) front matter; TBD on copyright
assignment for 4/16
H 4/16: Baym (2008); Jenkins, “Transmedia Storytelling” (2007); Jenkins (1992; to be uploaded)
F 4/17: First Rough Draft Due in rough-draft-1 folder in Dropbox by 11:00pm
week 14: Writing the Essay/ conferences
T 4/21: Class canceled for conferences (conferences will be held M, T, and W)
H 4/23: Conclusions and Introductions
Table Templates.docx
Baym (2007); Potts & Harrison (2013); Gee (2007)assignment for 4/28
week 15: Final Thoughts
T 4/28: Essay rough draft 2 due by class time
H 4/30: Course evals; Reflecting on the semester, Department of Writing Arts 9 Core Values
Finals week Thursday, 5/7: Essay Final Draft and reflections due by 11:00pm