npr does online courses

NPR’s Larry Abramson began a two part series this morning on Morning Edition on the growing trend of students taking courses online (according to a new Sloan-C survey, nearly 1 in 5 students take at least 1 online course). The first report is called “Online Courses Catch On in U.S. Colleges.” Abramson offers a surprising balanced report on the benefits and drawbacks (though, these were weaker, I think) of teaching online from the perspective of two college professors and one or more students.

The piece, however, does tend to fall back on the typical tropes of teaching, for example:

The process looks kind of awkward — the natural flow of a regular class is missing, as responses arrive onscreen in a digital flood. But at second glance, there’s something else here not seen in a regular college class: All of the students are paying attention and all are engaged.

Later he states that the professor “is part of the show” of face-to-face classes. Stating that students are “paying attanetion” and “are engaged” recapitulates several unfortunate ideas about what education is, notably that education is when students are listening attentively to the teacher espousing knowledge and that, for the most part, students are not engaged in their classes. Rather, it would have been nice if Abramson described the active learning experience (or, as he calls it, “a digital flood”) that is taking place is the classes he reports on, where the synchronous medium is encouraging all students to express their ideas, voices, etc—something that often does not happen in face-to-face discussions.

Tomorrow Abramson is going going to investigate the “growing sophistication of how to teach effectively online,” so perhaps he will address some of these issues.

I must say, however, that it is nice to see that at least one media outlet is catching up to what we have known for many years—synchronous and ansychronous communications enhance teaching and learning.

Update 12/2/07: The second installment is called “Illinois Schools Look to Tech Tools to Teach.”

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mapping and scaling kindle

Soon after my engineering students sat down in front of the computers in the computer classroom that we are “squatting in” (so sayeth the Assistant Dean) in Education Hall, one of them brought up the Kindle, and pointed to this image:

size of kindle being show to scale next to a number 2 pencil

He was just enthralled with how well the pencil shows the Kindle’s size and shape. I agreed that it was an excellent example of scaling and mapping. I think Tufte would agree, too.

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mapping the melting of arctic ice

Frank Taylor over at Google Earth Blog points to a new animation by The National Snow and Ice Data Center that maps the melting of the Arctic ice cap between September, 1979, and September, 2007. Screen shots I took of the animation in Google Earth of September, 1979, and September, 2007 (click on the images for full resolution):

Arctic Ice 1979 in Google Earth Arctic Ice 2007 in Google Earth
September, 1979 September, 2007

The animation shows that since 1979 there has never been a time when there has been less ice in the Arctic cap.

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interactive touch media wall

One of my students, lee, posted a link that his girlfriend found (can I just say how much I love having blogs in this class) to a video for Jeff Han’ s Perceptive Pixel’s interactive touch media wall (this is the link to the video, which I could not get it to embed) which is being sold by Neiman Marcus for the price of $100,000.00.

Here is a video from Perceptive Pixel’s web site:

Jeff Han is a human-computer interactive designer who is revolutionizing interactive touch displays. He launched his company, Perceptive Pixel, after this TED talk he gave in February 2006:

There are multiple YouTube videos showcasing this technology, as well, including this one where Han walks through its use:

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