seaking rowan college of communication seniors for Spring 2010 project

I am searching for College of Communication seniors with outstanding skills in the following areas:

  • blogging (preferably WordPress) and Twittering (and, perhaps, other social networking)
  • web design
  • documentary film production
  • journalism (specifically, online journalism and press releases)
  • pub layout and design
  • Photoshop

Students with these skills will be brought together to form a kind of social media team (name I’m batting around: RIOT–Rowan Internship Outreach Team) with the goal of showcasing the kind of work that students in the college have for potential employers and internship hosts. The specifics of the project for the semester are too complex to write about here, but the final product will be presented to between 8,000 – 10,000 businesses at a conference in Atlantic City in April 2010.

The work you do on the project will count as Internship experience, and you must register for the Internship course. This is an exciting opportunity to both showcase your skills and get valuable real-world, on-the-job experience.

If you are interested in joining this team, please email me a short note letting me know, as well as evidence of your skills in one or more of the above listed areas. The evidence can be in the form of an attachment or a URL to an online portfolio, web site, or other work you’ve done. If the work has been collaborative, please let me know and detail what specifically you worked on. Sending me your material does not guarantee that you will be selected.

Due to time constraints, and the late emergence of this opportunity, please email me (see above for email address) no later than Dec 22, 2009, at 5:00pm. If you are interested and will not be able to email me by that time, please let me know and we’ll be able to work something out.

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