How From Shock to Spectacle is Organized

"From Shock to Spectacle: Remediating the Terrorist Attack for September 11, 2001" is structured to make navigation as easy as possible for all users. All images include ALT text, and the banner, time lines, and screen shots have long descriptions that open in a new page. Users are informed when links open in a new browser window.

There are three main sections of DILLON, each containing its own front page that explains the function of that section. The sections are: radio, television, and web sites. At this time, only the web sites section is functioning (almost completely).

Except for the home page, which has links to the 3 main sections and a brief summary of the whole project below the main banner, the pages are structured in the following way: The banner is at the top. Directly below the banner are the site navigation links. Below and to the left is the main text. To the right of the text is an image map time line. Below the content and the time line is a footer, containing contact and copyright information.

Instructions for Visually-Impaired and Deaf Users

All images on this site are accompanied by ALT text which identifies the image or its function. If you are using a graphic browser, alt-text tags are visible only if the browser's automatic image-loading feature is turned off. Each page has links to skip to the page content and to skip to the page links. All links have specific names and lead to pages with titles that are the same as the link name or more detailed in its description. If you find any links vague or misleading please contact me and I will be happy to consider your suggestion. Screen shots come in two sizes, the smaller approximately 300x300; the larger 600X500. When creating screen shots I sometimes had to sacrifice download time for image sharpness; as a result, some screen shots may take longer tan 14 seconds todownload with a 28.8k modem. No screen shot will take longer than twenty-five second, however. If you find any screen shot (or any image) taking longer than 25 seconds, please let me know and I will fix the problem.

In addition, some images are followed by a d hyperlink - namely the banner and the time line. Selecting the d link will bring you to a textual description of the image. The description contains no hyperlinks. At the end of the description is instructions on how to return to the page from which you came. Extended descriptions of all screen shots can be foudn by selecting the screen shot in the middle of he content. A new window will open which has a larger version of the sreen shot and, directly below the image, an extended description of the screen shot. Screen shot descripts are quite difficult to constuct; if you find that any description is unclear, please contact me with your suggestions.

When radio and video clips are added to the site, there will be transcipts for both and descriptions of the video.

Tab Indexes have been set in all forms. The language used is English unless otherwise notified.

"From Shock to Spectacle: Remediating the Terrorist Attack for September 11, 2001" has been approved by BOBBY as an accessible Web site; but if you find any part of any DILLON Web page inaccessible, please contact Bill Wolff at with your accessiblity problems and I will work hard to make that feature accessible.

Return to "From Shock to Spectacle" home page, or select the back button on your browser to return to the page you came from.