Category: ctpf15

WJ’s Diary of Phone “Interactivity”

  Our Communications class was tasked with recording our phone activities over the course of forty-eight hours.  Anytime we went on our phones, we were supposed to write down in our journal (mine is pictured below): the date, the time, the length of time spent on the phone, whether it was a textual or social interaction, what we were doing…

PM’s Phone Diary

The Phone Diary activity was fascinating. I never really realized how much time I consumed on my phone checking twitter and just browsing the web. It got to the point where stuff I would do on my phone I started to just use my laptop for. I began using twitter more on there than on my phone just so I…

Phone Interactivity Diary- Jordan B

Thoughts Before Beginning the Activity Before starting the assignment, I was thinking about how often I would be writing inside the journal. I was predicting that I had would have a massive amount of hours by the end of the 48 hour period. Teenagers and young adults like myself are always checking their phones whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,…

Diary – Abby P

My experience with this activity was very eye-opening. I realized, not only how much I use, but also how dependent I am of my phone. I actually began to get annoyed with how often I was using my phone (having to document it every time) and eventually had to force myself to part from it for several minutes or even…

Diary of KR’s Phone Activity

The Task: I was asked to keep a journal log to keep track of all interactions I had when I used my phone. I was given a small composition notebook and a specific pen that I MUST carry with me at all times. Considering the world I have grown up in, I figured I would be using my phone more…

Diary of a Phone: Milly P

The diary of a phone assignment really opened my eyes to how addicted I am to my phone. I am constantly checking it or constantly just on it even while having a conversation. This assignment lead me to understand that now a days we interact, connect, and have relationships via our phones. So much power is in such a little…

Diary of Phone Interactivity – Sofia P

Thoughts Before Beginning the Activity Before beginning this assignment I already had predisposed thoughts about how often I’d be writing in my mini composition notebook because I knew I was going to use my phone a ton. People my age are prone to checking their phones 24/7 and I knew I’d fall under this category, no doubt. I found it to…

Diary of Phone Interactivity: Carter Todd

At a Glance When first assigned to take note of each time I used my phone, I knew it would be an eye-opening experience. I had these expectations because of my past realizations about how much I’m consistently using my phone as well as the fact that communications class has boosted that number even higher. What intrigued me even more…

Diary of A Phone Interactivity: Peter M

Diary of a Phone Interactivity   Quantitative Data during a 48hr Period1 Total # of Interactions: 74 Total Interaction time: 56.34 minutes Total Textual Interactions: 38 Clock/Times:18 Camera:1 Other:19 Total Social Interactions:36 Phone calls:9 Social media interactions:4 Email:8 Texts:17 Surrounding activities Dorm Room/ No surrounding activity: 53 Campion/Other students Staff:4 Outside/Walking on campus:15 Inside:59   Where’s the Pen? Q) What…

Diary of Phone Interactivity: Victoria K

Quantitative Information: Total Interactions: 111 Total Time: 5.4 hours Number of each activity type: SI (Social Interaction): 14 Phone calls: 6 FaceTime: 1 Checking social media (but not posting): 7 TI (Textual Interaction): 5 Schoolwork/reading: 2 Checking email: 3 Both (SI/TI): 62 Social media: 19 Texting: 43 Neither: 27 Checking the time: 16 Setting alarms/turning them off: 4 Other: 7…