PM’s Phone Diary

The Phone Diary activity was fascinating. I never really realized how much time I consumed on my phone ch20151022_151610ecking twitter and just browsing the web. It got to the point where stuff I would do on my phone I started to just use my laptop for. I began using twitter more on there than on my phone just so I wouldn’t have to keep writing more and more in the notebook.

The Numbers

1)Total number used:82

2)Total minutes used: 157

3)Textual: 39



4) Texting: 23 GroupMe:18 Twitter:36 Phone: 1 Alarm: 1 Internet:3

5) Schoolwork: 21 Driving:3 Sleeping:4 Eating: 12 Walking Dog: 1 Talking to Parents: 2 Video Games: 22 TV: 17

Implications of the 48 hour interactivity


It was tough being forced to write in a notebook every time you used your phone. I struggled with remember at first. As I did it more it became easier and more of a habit. I know we were supposed to use a specific pen i

When I switched colors

When I switched colors

forget what color you originally gave us but did at one point switch pen’s. I will say what this activity did force me to do was use my computer more. I feel bad knowing it was sort of a loophole, but I wanted to be able to use technology freely without recognizing every time I used technology that I was using technology. I felt the assignment was beneficial as it made me realize how dependent I am on technology. I always thought I could go back to another period of time and exist just fine, however after this it made me realize how much I take my phone for granted and how much I depend on it. As for the Jenkin articles about participatory culture  I felt I was missing out I originally tried checking my phone as little as possible, but eventually gave into the temptations. I need twitter I’ve realized. Twitter keeps me up to date with sports news and being in a fantasy football league knowing of sports news first could be the difference between a win and a loss. So I eventually had to just give in.It’s crazy there was a time when phones couldn’t do all this and now because they do people live on them. I know there are people out there who use it far more than I do and I completely understand why. In today’s world there are people who make a career out of tweeting, so some people do essentially live on their phones.  If you did this assignment 10 years ago I’m sure the totals people got would be less than the amount some people used in only a few hours. It is definitely a crazy time to be alive.


Finally Finished