bp oilspill cleanup volunteers needed for marsh restoration

Latest email from the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana:

Volunteers Needed: Marsh Restoration in Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge

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The Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, in partnership with the Gulf Response Involvement Team, invites you to participate in a 2-week long marsh restoration project in the open mud flats located on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain within the USFWS Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana.  Over 70,000 marsh plants will be planted to help restore and enhance the wetlands and we are looking for over 400 volunteers to help accomplish this project.

We will plant over 5,000 plugs of smooth and marshhay cordgrass per day to help stabilize and vegetate the bare marsh platforms that were created by the CWPPRA Goose Point/Point Platte Marsh Creation Project. This project dredged sediments from Lake Pontchartrain to create over 550 acres of marsh platform. The vegetation will help to stabilize the soils, create wildlife habitat, encourage species diversity and provide a seed source for natural regeneration.

This project is being completed through a partnership with NOAA’s Community Based Restoration Program, Restore America’s Estuaries, Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, For the Bayou, The Lang Foundation, The Coastal Society and US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana
Volunteers will meet at the Refuge Headquarters located at
61389 Highway 434 Lacombe, LA 70445

September 27th through October 8th, 2010 (except Sunday)
8:00 am until all the plants are planted (approximately 3:00pm)

Note:   This project requires outdoor physical activity and volunteers should expect to get dirty. Volunteers must be 15 years of age or older. Minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Volunteers can sign up for one day or multiple days. All planting equipment (gloves, shovels, dibbles, etc.) will be provided. Lunch and drinks will also be provided to all volunteers. All volunteers must be registered online at www.crcl.org or call the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana at (888)-LACOAST.  Additional information, including directions to the project site, will be provided to registered volunteers via email prior to the event.

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide housing or travel to volunteers.  Please visit our website for a list of hotels that are offering group rates.

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