Category Archives: academia

mapping superbowl tweets in the nytimes

this post has been retitled from “it’s a twitter-happy go-go springsteen nation.” Via @courtneybird who retweeted @nickbilton and an email message from my father (who refuses to Twitter but sends me all sorts of Twitter-related news articles), the New York … Continue reading

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communication technologies and the revealing of history

The Readings section of the February 2009 Harper’s (subscription required) has an excerpt from Eula Biss’s “Time and Distance Overcome,” that struck me as appropriate reading for today, a day when the nation is celebrating the inauguration of the first … Continue reading

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tweeted apps and sites

I am really enjoying the sharing of applications and sites on Twitter. A few have come across lately that I thought I would share here. A few weeks ago Matt tweeted about Picnik, a free, robust online photo editing application … Continue reading

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