core2 spring 2013 readings

About the Readings

Reading are listed in alphabetical order, not the order in which they are assigned. The page is password protected to ensure copyright. Many of the essays are PDF files, which requires a PDF reader, like the free Adobe Reader. Notes from BW are in [ ].

Atwood, M. (2010, March 19). Atwood in the Twittersphere. New York Review of Books.

Branch, J. (2012, December 20). Snow fall: The avalanche at tunnel creek. The New York Times. [multimedia piece; not printable]

Christians, C.G. (2005). Ethics and politics in qualitative research. In N.K. Denzin & Y.S. Lincoln (Eds.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rd ed.) (pp 139 – 164). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [.pdf]

Creswell, J.W. (2007). Five qualitative approaches to inquiry. In J.W. Creswell Qualitative inquiry & research design (2nd ed.). (pp. 53 – 84). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [.pdf]

Gerard, P. (2006). The art of creative research. The Writer’s Chronicle.

Johnson, S. (2009, June 5). How Twitter will change the way we live. Time. [Printable version.]

Jones, C. (2008, May). The things that carried him. Esquire. [Printable version.]

Junod, T. (2003, September). The falling man. Esquire. [Printable version.]

Lipsky, D. (2008, October 30). The lost years & last days of David Foster Wallace. Rolling Stone, 1064. [no longer online.]

Nutt, A.E. (2008, December 8). Jon Sarkin: The accidental artist. The Star-Ledger. [Multimedia piece, not printable. Press skip to enter the site.]

Pink, S. (2007). Photography in ethnographic research. In Doing visual ethnography (pp. 65 – 95). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [.pdf]

Rettberg, J.W. (2009). What is a blog? Blogging. Malden, MA: Polity Press.

Ross, T. (2007, December). The source of all things. Backpacker. [There is no way to print the whole piece at once.]

Siebert, C. (2009, July 12). Watching whales watching us. The New York Times Magazine. [Printable version.]

Silver, D. (2009, February 25). The difference between thin and think tweets. Silver in SF.

Syverson, M.A. (1999). Thinking with the things as they exist: Ecology of a poem. In The wealth of reality: An ecology of composition (pp. 28-74). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. [.pdf]

Thompson, C. (2008, September 5). Brave new world of digital intimacy. The New York Times Magazine. [Printable version.]

Wallace, D.F. (1996, January). Shipping out. Harper’s Magazine. [PDF, 8.6mb]

Wallace, D.F. (1994, July). Ticket to the fair. Harper’s Magazine. [PDF, 7.4mb]

Annotations appear in Harper’s rather infrequently, but when they do they are short, powerful, and insightful statements on esoteric subjects. The goal of the annotation is to use an object as a vehicle for discussing a particular subject. They are 2 – 4 pages long, stretch across two pages, and include blocks of texts that appears as call-outs that point to different parts of the object(s). One of the main reasons they are so powerful is that they make clear how politics, history, social and cultural values, and the wacky, are embedded (and more often than not invisible) in the structure of the object itself. You do not need to read all of them (I had a tough time narrowing down which to include, so I uploaded my 5 favorites in alphabetical order [do make sure you look at Strand’s. . . ].) Enjoy them!

Austen, J. (2008, November). Dreaming XXL. Harper’s. [.pdf]

McMillan, T. (2008, August). Looks good on paper. Harper’s. [.pdf]

Rhea, C.R. (2006, November). Voodoo academics. Harper’s. [.pdf]

Rothenberg, D. (2006, April). Trickling down. Harper’s. [.pdf]

Strand, G. (2008, March). Keyword: Evil. Harper’s. [.pdf]

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