A week ago I signed up to volunteer to help with the massive recovery effort that will take place in the Gulf region what I imagine will be decades. I’m now receiving email updates on the progress. One just arrived in my inbox. The bottom line is that current staff members, who have been sleeping in their cars, need your help (emphasis added):
Currently, our staff members stationed throughout the Louisiana coast have been sleeping in their vehicles to enable them to work long hours and consecutive days on our response. We are having difficulty finding appropriate lodging facilities. Current staging areas are in Venice, Pointe a la Hache, Lafitte, Grand Isle, Cocodrie, and Hopedale, however the number and location of the areas is expanding based on potential impacts. If you have a camp, trailer or facility near one of the staging areas or along the Louisiana coast that you would be willing to donate or discount for our use, please email coalition@crcl.org.
If you or anyone you know lives in this region and can help, please forward this on. And consider signing up for alerts and volunteering your time. I’ll continue posting as emails come in.
Here’s the complete May 12, 2010 email:
Louisiana Gulf Response Involvement Team (GRIT)
Dear Volunteers,
Thank you for your continuing patience as we diligently work to identify the needs and resources to address volunteer opportunities for this disaster. The BP Oil Spill, as you may know, is threatening even more of the Louisiana coast, moving west of the Mississippi River. But, to date, the landfall of that oil has been minimal and we are continuing to support the efforts of the local, state and federal response agencies and BP to prevent the movement of oil into our fragile wetland ecosystems. It is extremely important that we not interfere with those efforts to boom and protect our coast.
We are saddened by the impacts the BP Oil Spill may have on our wetlands and barrier shorelines, our fisheries, and our culture. The coast has not yet been seriously impacted, therefore the need for volunteers is minimal. Although we hope that the impact remains minimal, we must plan to be ready for the worst case scenario. Over the past 23 days, GRIT has accomplished numerous tasks that will provide for the quick and safe deployment of volunteers to on-the-ground projects.
- Partnering with other conservation organizations and human service organizations as well as the state’s office of volunteerism, the Louisiana Serve Commission, to provide a coordinated volunteer program
- Embedded staff into Plaquemines, St. Bernard and Jefferson Parishes to coordinate volunteer efforts, as the need arises.
- Embedded staff into the bird rescue stations to provide assistance from wildlife certified volunteers
- Developing a Volunteer Opportunity Plan and Volunteer Participation Manual
- Developing safety training for volunteers
Our work is just beginning. Although everyone is eager to help, please understand that this is a dangerous environment and you should not attempt to volunteer on your own. We are working to coordinate some volunteer events for the near future, so you should be hearing from us in a few days. We have established a unified website to keep volunteers up to date on our efforts and encourage you to visit regularly for information. Please visit www.lagulfresponse.org for updates.
Until then, please consider making a financial donation to help GRIT to provide volunteer opportunities to you. As conservation organizations and mostly non-profits, the GRIT partnership organizations are expending resources beyond our means at this time. Please consider making a tax deductible donation to assist this partnership.
Currently, our staff members stationed throughout the Louisiana coast have been sleeping in their vehicles to enable them to work long hours and consecutive days on our response. We are having difficulty finding appropriate lodging facilities. Current staging areas are in Venice, Pointe a la Hache, Lafitte, Grand Isle, Cocodrie, and Hopedale, however the number and location of the areas is expanding based on potential impacts. If you have a camp, trailer or facility near one of the staging areas or along the Louisiana coast that you would be willing to donate or discount for our use, please email coalition@crcl.org.
Thank you again for your generous offer to help. We look forward to working with you.
Gulf Response Involvement Team
Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program
Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana
National Audubon Society
National Wildlife Federation
The Nature Conservancy
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