microsoft copies Mac, releases I’m a PC ad campaign, shows it’s true microsoft colors with horrific web site design

While watching the Giants OT victory over the Bengals today I saw this new Microsoft ad:

Video: Pride

The ad is a direct response to Mac’s outstanding I’m a Mac, I’m a PC campaign, which effectively makes the argument that PC users are the dorks and Mac users are the cool kids (full disclosure: I have a Mac laptop from work and a PC desktop at home, and I also have a beard—the pause after the bearded guy says “I have a beard” is perfect). Microsoft takes aim at this classification scheme by having their own John Hodgman look-alike start the commercial waving “Hello, I’m a PC and I’ve been made into a stereotype”:
The Microsoft ad is effective at deconstructing the stereotype that the only people who use PCs are cubicle-swelling brown jacket wearing nerds who are really extensions of anti-environment corporate interests.

The ad campaign web site, however, is a complete disgrace, and continues to showcase Microsoft’s inability to understand and design user friendly web sites, operating systems, and applications.

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sobering email from ING

As someone who occassionally (read: almost never) has enough money to warrant an ING Savings account, I just received this email from Arkadi Kuhlmann, CEO of Savings at ING. Looks like 2009 isn’t going to be any fun, either:

The consequences of the mortgage meltdown on financial institutions and individuals continue to erode many Americans’ dreams. . . .

While we don’t have an Orange crystal ball, we do expect the economy to remain fragile through 2009. The best course of action for our Customers is to be disciplined: avoid splurging; identify and cut out unnecessary expenses and save for what’s essential; and hedge against those tough times. We can all benefit by developing good spending habits: confront – and cut up – credit cards; use your home as a savings vehicle – not as an ATM; and establish and contribute regularly to an IRA or 401(k).

In this difficult financial environment, we work tirelessly to safeguard your deposits, mortgages and investments. Importantly, your deposits are FDIC-insured according to its limits and your investments are SIPC-protected. Our security processes are the best in the business and are in place to protect your savings from those with bad intentions. While we are constantly vigilant, we need your help. Keep passwords to yourself. Never give personal information through an email. And always install both the latest antivirus and anti-malware software on your home computer.

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current tv and twitter partner to tweet the debates

Al Gore’s TV network, Current, has joined forces with Twitter to Hack the Debates.

Twitter users watching the debates can send a tweet with the additional extension “#current” which will be scraped for inclusion. According to an AP article by Jake Coyle:

During the debates, the network bent on viewer-created content will broadcast Twitter messages — or “tweets” — from viewers. In close to real time, Current will display comments on the screen while Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama face off.

It’s an all the more interesting new kind of interactivity in political discourse given that Current was co-founded by former Vice President Al Gore. Joel Hyatt, CEO of Current, said the technique — dubbed “Hack the Debate” — was not Gore’s idea, but he and Gore both share a dim view of post-debate punditry.

“He certainly shares the belief that the punditry aspect of the process has not been enriching to American democracy,” said Hyatt. “We’re trying to empower young adults to participate in the process, to have their voice heard, to join the conversation.

Current has been fielding questions from Twitterers all day. I’m excited to see how this works.

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plug for former web design student naveed lalani

Naveed Lalani, a Fall 2004 Web Design student of mine at The University of Texas at Austin, has launched a new company called, which “offers non-partisan political software that fuses technology and democracy for the masses—empowering the average political entrepreneur.” The first point in their 10 point Philosophy:

We Don’t Take Sides. We are non partisan. Regardless of class, race, age, gender, or political affiliation, democracy is unbiased. Freedom is unbiased. We believe a diversity of views and backgrounds strengthens democracy. Piryx is here to provide technology to strengthen the system — to empower everyone.

They have also lauched a new non-partisan political blog, RealPolitix:

Check ’em out. He and his colleagues are doing exciting important work.

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