Category Archives: pedagogy

“what does youtube mean to you?”: my students’ videos

This semester in my Writing, Research, and Technology course students are learning how to create idea-driven video compositions. The larger project is to create a video oral history on an important contemporary topic. To help students get familiar with the … Continue reading

Posted in academia, IT, pedagogy, rowan, teaching, viz rhet | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

the metaphors of class discussion

Information Architecture began in earnest this past Monday with the discussion of Lakoff and Johnson’s seminal Metaphors We Live By. Lead by Joe Sabatini’s discussion questions, and informed by student responses to the reading posted at the IAOC Blog, students … Continue reading

Posted in academia, classification, pedagogy, rowan, teaching | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

tweeted apps and sites

I am really enjoying the sharing of applications and sites on Twitter. A few have come across lately that I thought I would share here. A few weeks ago Matt tweeted about Picnik, a free, robust online photo editing application … Continue reading

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